Clip Boss 110mm (4") x 40mm (1-1/2")

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Clip Boss 110mm (4") x 40mm (1-1/2")

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Product Information

Connects your 40mm (1-1/2 inch) push fit pipe (kitchen sink / bath / shower size) into an existing 110mm PVC soil pipe.

Make a hole in your 110mm pipe and then fit this boss.

Needs to be used with PVC cement (not supplied).

Our waste pipe and fittings are compatible with most push fit systems such as Hunter, Polypipe and Bartol (will not fit solvent weld pipework).

The size of push fit waste fittings is based on the nominal inside bore of the pipe they are used with.

40mm push-fit waste pipe measures about 41mm outside diameter.

Product CodeDEL

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