Fluidmaster Toilet Flush Valve With Dual Flush Push Button PRO550UK

  • Fluidmaster Toilet Flush Valve With Dual Flush Push Button PRO550UK

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Product Information

Fluidmaster PRO550UK dual flush valve.

PRO button cable (350mm) dual flush valve, top, side or front mounted and will fit both 1-1/2 inch or 2 inch flush outlets

Water saving adjustable flush volumes on full and reduced flushes
Fits both 1-1/2 inch and 2 inch toilet flush outlets.
Cable length 350mm
Dual flush button fits top, front or side applications
Overflow height is adjustable from 8-1/2 inch to 13-1/2 inch
Quick release cable/button connection eliminates cable damage
Twist and release action enables simple maintenance

Product CodeHGZ

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